-Why can women strike on men?
-Can this strike be reversed? Men strike on women?
-Patriarichal society
* On the test: What character from Ovid did Allison's character represent?
2) Chase: Jesus vs Dionysus
"The Eyes of Christ" by Edwin Tuts
3) Hannah: Lysistrata
-Modern examples of Lyistrata
-Poems comparing women to the sea, to a dog, and a bee.
4) Brittany: Grandmother's Story on the phone, Minnie Mouse photograph, Bob the rat.
- Breaking rule...it happened in the past and it happens now. Why is breaking the rules so acceptional sometimes? Why is breaking rules a part of literature and life?
5) Megan: There is love in all the stories tha we read.
- Cupid and Psyche = confusion and love
6) Jesse: I loved the acting in this presentation! Very awesome!
-----> (Moms House)
7) Jan: Comparison of Dionysus to the Virginia tech assassin
8) Brittini: Roles of women in our books
- Comparison of women figures in classic lit books to popular figures.
9) Barbara: story of the old woman in the park, classical literature stories, ducks, grandson's.
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