Sunday, April 29, 2007

Review Questions for the 2nd test

1) What birds represent Procne and Philomela?
-Procne=swallow and Philomela=nightingale

2) Ate: Infatuation beyond the point of being ruined

3) Who was the original artisan? Daedalus (craftsmen)

4) Who is the god of sleep, dreams, and disguise? Morpheus

5) What should we avoid at all costs? **Old people (marginal)

6) What is Aristophanes theory on soul mates?
-In terms of Symposium, people were becoming too much to handle, so the God's split the soul mates apart.

7) Tragedy emphasizes the individual.
Comedy emphasizes the society.

8) According to Plato, how does one reach mortality of the soul?
-** Virtue and knowledge

9) Everything Plato learned about love, he learned from a woman named Diotima.

10) What is Socratic irony? - Claiming to know nuthin'...but actually knowing everything.

11) What does Icarus fail to do to fall to his demise? Flew too close to the sun and melted his wax wings.

12) Difference between Arachne and Minerva: Arachne portrayed the good things the God's did and Minerva portrayed victims of the God's.

13) Final Frame in Velazquez "The Spinners?"
-Europa's rape or abduction.

14)Pentheus: "man of constant sorrow"

15) How is Cadmeus related to Pentheus? Grandfather

16) Why should Ulysses deserve the arms of Achilles? -Ulysses's started in all.

17) What came out of the ground in the Bacchae when they hit the ground?

18) Boy wants girl - center of new comedy

19) What Shakespeare play was partly inspired by Tiresias and Procne? Titus Andronicus

20) What is anagnersis - (recognition or critical moment of discovery)

21) What is the first instance of framing in the Metamorphoses? - Story of Pan and Syrinx

22) What is grace? - Awareness of God's Presence in the world.

23) What does omophaglia? -eating of live flesh

24)Love is the child of -Poverty and contrivance.

25) What did Daphne turn into? Laurel tree

26) How old will Metamorphoses be in 2008? 2000 years old

27) Naso = "nose"

28) Why couldn't Aristophanes give his speech? - Terrible case of hiccups

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