Since reading Lysistrata, I have been overwhelmed with the power of women in Classical Literature. It seems that they are the back bone of every piece that we have covered in class. Some words that I feel describe Lysistrata are:
beautiful but dirty, comical, powerful and empowering, graphic, action, and cunning. It is very amazing to see that in the "history" books, hardly any mention of women's achievements are made. However, in Classical Literature there are tons of women who have generated great amounts of power in their individual society's. This then makes me think, whoa, if the women of classical times could accomplish so much, then why can't I in the futuristic times of today. (Ha, listen to me, I am going a little
feministic, watch out!) So who are some Lysistrata's of today? Some on the top of my head include Oprah, Princess Di (God bless), Queen Elizabeth II, Diane Sawyer, and millions more. (Oh yeah, and ME! lol)

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